Online Therapy

Choices, choices, choices

We like choices. And there are choices when it comes to our mental health as well.

Traditionally, therapy was the only way. Then self-help books were the next level. Now, we have therapy, self-help communities and support groups, courses, coaching and aps.

At Rational Lifestyle Consulting, we offer four ways to get the help you want.

  • Individual Therapy
  • Self-Guided Self-Help Courses
  • One on One and Group Coaching
  • Hypnosis

Based on CBT

To therapists, CBT means cognitive behavioral therapy.  What that means to clients is that the therapy used primarily focuses on the thoughts in the brain and the subsequent behavior as a model to understand why us humans do what us humans do.  CBT is an umbrella term that encompasses so many different subsets of related therapies adapted for emotional issues to substance treatment.

CBT has been shown to be successful in treating many different mental health issues in numerous studies since Drs. Ellis and Beck individually created the first two forms of CBT.  Considering the variety of CBT therapies, when a therapist lists that they use CBT, that isn’t very informative.  It means very generally that the therapist focuses on thoughts, patterns of thinking and behaving and that changes in both lead to improved symptoms.

Rational Living Therapy is a systemic, goal oriented and nonjudgmental form of CBT. We emphasize the learning of self-counseling skills so that people can determine for themselves what is the rational course of thought and action. Too often, therapy is seen as something that has to be repeated, but RLT focuses on a system that can be used throughout our lives for all emotional upsets. We aren’t as concerned about diagnoses but instead we focus on what we are reacting to and how to moderate and change our reactions.  Unlike most CBT varieties, RLT utilizes hypnotherapy as a part of the therapy. Hypnosis although quite effective is also optional.

I use this system in therapy, with couples, in my courses and as the basis of coaching.

Read more about CBT HERE.

Individual Therapy

I offer weekly and biweekly individual therapy appointments. If you live in New Mexico, you can participate from anywhere in the state on secure televideo platform. I accept a variety of insurance and self-pay.

To learn more:

Self-Help Self-Guided Courses

Using an evidenced-based system that I use in therapy, I have adapted that system in a series of courses. The courses are all about getting better depending on the concern that you would like to address. Whether you would like to stop being angry, derail compulsive behaviors, fears and periods of being down or managing your weight, there are self-guided courses. I also offer several free courses for developing awareness or roadblocks to success. To learn more:


Coaching is a way for you to address concerns and issues. With Rational Lifestyle Consulting, coaching whether individual or group addresses concerns through the application of the system of Rational Living Therapy that I use in my therapy program. The difference being is that there is no diagnosis, no use of insurance and no patient chart of sessions. Much like therapy, coaching is about meeting your goals and learning rational self-counseling skills. To learn more, please email me:


Hypnosis is a part of all the services offered through Rational Lifestyle Consulting. Yes, it is optional. But the reason that it is utilized is that it works! It isn’t used individually but as part of any of the programs offered here. It is used when it will help you meet your goals and can be done through televideo. I offer generic recordings in the self-help courses. If you take a course and would like to have a personalized session(s), then we can arrange for that. To learn more:

Learning Articles

To see all my recent blogs about mental health topics and new events at Rational Lifestyle Consulting, click the button. On the blog page scroll down to the bottom to see all the articles.

Who I work with

First I work with adults. I do see some teens if it’s the teen’s choice. I do not work with children younger than 14 years of age. Though trained and raised my own children, taught in public education and now grandmother, I prefer to work with the adults in the children’s lives.

As a therapist trained in Rational Living Therapy (type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) I am very open especially to those people who identify as part of the LGTBQ+ community. My professional and personal beliefs include:

Being accepting – all people desire being seen, understood and accepted which includes sexual orientation and gender identification
Safe space – therapy is a safe and inclusive space.
Human Race – we are all one race – HUMAN. We aren’t there yet as we tend to see people from what community they are from – Native American, LGTBQ+, Hispanic, etc. Understanding that the starting point of the race wasn’t equal does mean that people of color or from other groups have often been subjected to systemic biases. They may have experienced discrimination, micro-aggressions and “glass ceilings”. I hope at least in therapy to promote that we are all just human beings doing the best that we can from our level of consciousness.