Online Therapy
Rhonda Shields LPCC DCBT

Build Healthy Relationships and Live a More Joyful Life

Heal from past trauma with online therapy in New Mexico.

Can You Relate?

Are you experiencing feelings of fatigue, restlessness, fear or anxiety that are impacting your overall happiness and well-being? It can be difficult to navigate challenging emotions and situations that leave you feeling unworthy or overwhelmed.

At times, it may seem as though you are struggling to maintain healthy relationships with loved ones and may feel drained from constantly giving to others. Alternatively, you may find yourself struggling to stay present in the moment, as your mind races with thoughts about the past or future.

You Aren't Alone

Hi, I’m Rhonda Shields, LPCC, DCBT, a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and coach. For over a decade and a half, I have helped hundreds of people overcome emotional problems, resolve past traumas, and live a more joyful life.

My experience and expertise have evolved into a system that works to alleviate past pain and help individuals move forward to a more joyful present. Together, we can build healthy relationships with ourselves and others. My approach is direct, non-judgmental, rational, and accepting.

Our Services

When emotional issues arise, it can be daunting to know which steps to take. However, there are solutions available to assist you. Professional options such as therapy, coaching, and self-help courses can provide guidance and support. It is important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Therapy through Televideo

Our advanced online teletherapy platform enables users to access individual therapy and coaching services from anywhere. With our teletherapy services, you can transform your life without ever having to leave your home! Don't wait any longer, revolutionize the way you approach your emotional health by scheduling a teletherapy session with me today!

Self-Help Courses for Emotional Relief

Self-help courses teach practical tools and strategies to manage anxiety, depression, stress, and other emotional issues. These courses are available online or in-person, and help individuals learn a system to replace negative patterns. Taking self-help courses can empower individuals to address emotional struggles and improve their overall wellbeing.



Hypnosis is a powerful tool that helps individuals address emotional concerns by accessing their unconscious mind. It can help people attain a heightened state of consciousness and make meaningful changes to overcome fears, phobias, and other issues. This technique has been proven highly effective in helping individuals take control of their lives and achieve their desired outcomes.

MAAS Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale

Free online Webinar

Join our exclusive webinar on "Discovery Why & How Trauma Disrupts Lives" to gain valuable insights & practical techniques to overcome its long-lasting impact on the brain. Designed for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of this important topic, this webinar provides a meaningful experience to explore ways of improving the understanding of those affected by trauma.

Dear Seeker,

This introductory video is just a glimpse of the knowledge and expertise that I am eager to share with you. I am confident that as you continue to peruse this website, you will discover a wealth of resources that will ignite a spark of inspiration.

I invite you to join me on this exciting journey of growth and personal development. Together, we can unlock your full potential and help you reach new heights of success.

Thank you for choosing to spend your valuable time with me. Best regards,


Our Blog

This blog offers tips and lessons on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a widely-used, evidence-based form of therapy that helps individuals cope with a range of mental health challenges. We will cover a range of topics.  We are committed to promoting mental health, one tip and lesson at a time.

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