Online Therapy

Hypnosis is another effective method to get permanent solutions now

You may be in a cycle of trying to manage sleepless nights, anxiety or  panic attacks while doing for others.  Only you become so irritated that you blow up, or all your efforts to “keep the peace” within your family has stopped working. Perhaps flashbacks or lost time from past traumas create conflict and misunderstandings in your family. Maybe it’s constant pain or health problems that interfere with you to do everyday activities. Maybe all of these issues leave you feeling that you can’t even get out of bed. You may be feeling that nothing will ever change, or that you are somehow “broken” or worthless.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • Getting a full night’s sleep
  • Having patience with other people
  • Being able to go into a store or restaurant comfortably
  • Pain causing less mobility or attending to activities
  • Anxiety and panic attacks preventing you from attending activities with family and friends or even preventing you from working

Hypnotherapy can help.

It may feel impossible now, but you can be free from physical and emotional pain. You can sleep all night and resolve flashbacks. You can go shopping, go to your children’s school events and even eat in a restaurant comfortably. And I can help you get there.

Hypnotherapy helps you do several things:

1. A way to reach the unconscious mind: Hypnosis, hypnotherapy or guided imagery is about making lasting change through addressing the unconscious mind.  Most of what we do everyday is done from the unconscious mind.  That’s a relief!  I wouldn’t want to get into my car for my daily commute and have to learn to drive again.  When we learn something and it becomes “there” when we need it, we are acting from the unconscious mind. Hypnosis skips the conscious mind and moves right into the unconscious to add new information or change old ideas that weren’t worth learning in the first place or no longer serve us.

2.  Faster way to change:  Because the nature of the hypnotic state, when someone is in that state what is suggested to them, they take in as fact.  They may reject the suggestion, but they won’t argue if it is a fact or not.  A suggestion that “cigarettes are poison” will not be questioned in a hypnotic state.  This means that information given or activities done while in a state of hypnosis leads to faster and long lasting change.

3.  A natural normal state of being.  We go into and out of states of hypnosis at different times every single day.  When we are first waking up and going to sleep at night we move through the hypnotic state.  Throughout the day we will slip into the brain waves that are considered hypnotic state.  Some times we can do something and not even be aware of passing time and many times we are in a state of hypnosis.  Another time that we go into a state of hypnosis is during times of stress. Much of why traumatic memories are so clearly remembered is that during these times, we slip into a state of hypnosis and the events are written into the unconscious mind as facts.  Often, the best way to address these traumatic events is in hypnosis as that was the state we were in.

4.  Shorter in duration:  In regular talk therapy, clients can be in therapy for a long time depending upon the difficulties, the trauma and talk therapy used.  Hypnosis, on the other hand as either a stand alone or in conjunction with therapy is a shorter in duration therapy.  Why?  Because the link to the unconscious mind means that it will take fewer sessions.  Recently psychologists determined that up to 90% of our brain’s work is from the unconscious.  Talk therapy works with the 10% or conscious mind.  It makes sense that if the unconscious is addressed directly, change occurs quickly.

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to Hypnotherapy comes from a place of relieving problems quicker with long lasting results leading to healthy happy life no matter what comes.


Will I be in an altered state? No. Hypnotic state is a natural state that we go through several times per day especially as we are waking up or going to sleep at night.

Can Hypnotherapy be done over telehealth? Yes. It is different than an in-person session but it can be done as long as there is a stable internet connection and a video camera that shows most of the client.

Will I “cluck like a chicken?” Stage hypnotists make a living from the illusion of hypnosis. The volunteers tend to be those who want to cluck like a chicken so to speak and the hypnotist doesn’t ask them to do anything that outrageous.

What all issues can hypnotherapy work for? Hypnotherapy can work for pain whether emotional or physical such as depression, anxiety, flashbacks, phobias, fears. It can help with behavioral changes like weight loss, sleep, addiction, or public speaking. Depending upon the nature of the problem, the number of sessions will vary.

Can hypnotherapy be done only as a part of therapy? Hypnotherapy can be a stand alone process. It can also be done as part of therapy. I prefer to do hypnotherapy as part of therapy to help therapy get results quicker.

Can hypnosis help retrieve memories? Absolutely not! No ethical hypnotherapist will claim to retrieve so-called lost memories.  Due to suggestive nature, any so-called retrieved memory may simply be a created memory based on what the person “thinks” may be the lost memory.

What about past life regressions? There isn’t any ethical therapeutic goal in which remembering a past life would be useful.

What if I can’t be hypnotized? People have varying degrees of suggestibility, that’s true. However every person with a properly functioning brain goes in and out of hypnotic states every day. Some people visualize better than others and hypnosis utilizes our brain’s ability to imagine or visualize. 

Does where I live matter when it comes to online therapy? If you are local or within New Mexico and want to have a weekend at the lake, in-person hypnosis is a great option.  If you live within New Mexico but do not wish to travel televideo is an option.  If you live anywhere else I offer stand alone hypnosis only.  Due to licensing requirements, I can only provide therapy within the state of New Mexico. 

To learn more, check out my blog.

When you are ready to explore therapy and hypnotherapy options, please click on Contact me to get started today.


Self Hypnosis

Arguably all hypnosis is self hypnosis. The hypnotherapist is the facilitator and guide. As an introduction or preparation for formal hypnosis, the following downloadable track is free to use. This can help to bring about relaxation which for many with lots of stress and anxiety can be a tremendous relief.

Self Hypnosis Lake Relaxation Track

Self hypnosis track of relaxation and letting go of stresses and strains