Online Therapy

Awareness is a strong indicator of success for someone embarking on any self-help or directed-help program. Before you start, test your own awareness.

Interpreting Your Score

What does your score mean? When you submit your responses you will be able to interpret your score.

Want to Improve Awareness for FREE

When you are considering exchanging time and money for a self-improvement program, you do so with the belief that it will be money and time well spent. Since awareness is itself a tool for improvement and a skill to increase self-improvement, honing awareness muscle is a win-win. Best it is free. When you are ready, click here and select the course titled, “Building Awareness and Grounding Muscle”.

The MAAS is a normed and validated tool. For more information:

Brown and Ryan, “The Benefits of Being Present: Mindfulness and Its Role in Psychological Well-Being” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, American Psychological Association, Inc.
2003, Vol. 84, No. 4, 822–848